Thursday, September 11, 2008

Week 7, Day 4

Tried out another prospective-treadmill-buy today at the gym, nice! No fan but nice clear LCD display and well-cushioned run. Ran 3.6km.

And suddenly it seems that every other person I know runs! Met someone at the gym who is now 4 months preggers and she is "taking it easy for now" and she let on that she used to be a national runner! And another lady in the tennis group was previously a marathoner and ex-PE teacher! Ooo-er.


opus2 said...

your other treadmills have fans???

running stitch said...

yeah! The club gym is testing a whole series of new machines to replace the current old ones, and one of the ones on trial has a fan! Some users commented loving it, but I thought it'd make my very dry throat even worse!