Friday, November 28, 2008

Week 18, Day 5

AAAHHHHHH, no time already!

It's been a busy busy week, so much so that hardly had time to even consider running!

But I went on Monday, and ran a forced fartlek type of route; the son was with me so when he was within sight I could slow down but when he was out of view (he was on his scooter on the cycling path, and it sometimes branches away) I had to run faster just to make sure I could see him again soon. Such hard work. Anyway, managed a better run than last Monday's and at the end, like Opus noticed, when you run slower it's not as tortuous because the last 10 minutes or so, had to really slow down to come alongside the now pulled-along scooter. SIGH.

Today (Friday) I drove to Bedok Reservoir again. Decided that I really need to run somewhere where I could determine the distance. Ran 1 round (4.3km) plus 1km, then doubled back. So, total of 6.3 km. urgh. I was being overtaken by everyone! The fat old men with high socks and tucked-in tops, the extremely fit canoeists, ah sohs, etc. Sob.

Used Vaseline for today's run, on previously chafed area. Worked like a charm.

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