Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Week 17, Day 3

Urgh, ran on Monday and it almost killed me. Went to the beach and tried running my usual 4+ km route and maybe add to that... Ran to the halfway point, and found that I had to stop. Was so out of breath and legs so leaden! Walked most of the way back, with some half baked attempts to run (the spots where the grasscutters were at work so I don't hold them up too much).

Today, hit the treadmill. As mentioned by Opus, these machines do not run over 30 minutes, even when you set your goal as 40 minutes. Had to stop and try to run on the spot and toggle with the buttons, very awkward if you can imagine. Ran a little over 5k in the end, and that took about 37 minutes and all my resolve.

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