Tuesday, October 21, 2008

T minus 5

Went to the gym tonight but someone was on the treadmill - grr. So I went on the ellipsis/stair machine instead, and while I was on that, the first person on the treadmill left and someone else got on! Double grr! And the other person took so long I just ended up doing some interval training on the ellipsis machine, then some sit ups. That was my training for today.

The most infuriating part was that both people who used the treadmill were just walking. WALKING!! The nerve.

1 comment:

running stitch said...

Stair workout is good! And kinder on knees as well, so people say.

Have you given any thought what we should do/eat after the run? Need something to keep up my morale.

p/s we need to be there 20 minutes ahead of start time!