Friday, September 26, 2008

Week 9, Days 4-5

Been busy, making a costume for Jared's school celebrations next week. It's a fairy tale themed thingy, so some discussion (he refused to be a pirate or prince, and Darth Vader isn't a real fairy tale character) we settled on Pied Piper of Hamelin. I think the rats sealed the deal. 

Plus, it was pouring this morning. So no tennis.

As such, no exercise to report.
Belgian chocolate ice cream - not seashells!


opus2 said...

ooh, i really hope you are sewing a long trail of rats on the bottom of his shoe so he can trail them as he walks... awesome. legendary.

opus2 said...

and then, just to be faithful to the tale, there should also be a trail of children. ha ha