Sunday, April 12, 2009


Even though I still don't like running on treadmills, I'm starting to really see the benefit of forcing yourself to run at a fixed pace. On the road, I know I definitely slow down and can't maintain my speed... it's like a mental tussle, and it's TOUGH. On the treadmill at least I can look at numbers and know that I am maintaining a certain pace.

I ran about 4.3k at a 7:20 pace... which I am pretty happy with, IF I could maintain that for 10k. Ha! Doubtful, but I'm working on it.

In the meantime, I am still getting fatter. What the.


Carrie said...

The scales dont always go the way i want them to go, yeah that's a bummer. But the way i see it, any activity is better than sitting on the butt. Imagine if we really did nothing, how much more rapidly the scales would go up!

running stitch said...

That is AWESOME! I aim for 7.30.... feel like I've reallt slowed down since the last 10k run