Monday, July 28, 2008

Week 1, Day 1

Today - went to the beach for a short jog. At 1230 pm. It was shady under the trees, and the sea breeze took the edge off the mid-afternoon heat (most of which was from the concrete). Forced self to stretch, and fiddled with Ipod to create new "help me through this please" playlist. Then I'm off! In the first minute I spot a tanned, toned female body, warming down after her run. Urgh, she looks like she could probably do our run in half our time, or less. Hate her. As soon as she's out of my peripheral vision I start to feel better. 

In a while, the carpark was out of sight as well. Tried not to think about how each grueling step was taking me further from my ride home. 

Passed the lagoon food centre. Consciously went a large loop around it so tempting smells would not waft my way but still, could not help but wonder if there was a queue for bak kut tek or ter kah. Must focus!

Ran round the 360 cableski pond, and there was a little angmo kid going at it, not bad at all. His folks were parked on the grass, watching.

U-turned, now feeling maybe I should slow down a little so I can make it all the way back without stopping. 

Managed to make it back to the car, though a horrid sweaty mess and probably a shade darker/many shades redder. Warm down, look for mudskippers (none) and then drive home with the windows down. Feel sore but somewhat triumphant. I'd ran for 20 minutes, but have no clue how far it actually was. Not sure if I want to do it again, though.

Wooohoooo! I made it! 

(btw - canister of Pucca has 16 servings but each serving is 11 fish? who eats only 11 at a sitting? ridiculous!)

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