Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 0

Why Run?
Why blog, for that matter?

D-day is Sunday, 26 October 2008. Exactly 13 weeks away. We've got the training schedule. Part of me wishes for lots of rain for the next 13 weeks. The other part of me is undeterred and imagining that running would become part of the whole package that is me, that it would be glorious and fun and not kill me.

I know I should be more motivated about this whole running thing. But just the thought of it makes me nervous-hungry. It doesn't help that there's heaps of Hanuta and donuts in the kitchen, and today, Pingouin hands me the biggest tub of chocolate Pucca I've ever seen. According to, I'd need to jog in place for 39 minutes to burn off the 337 calories from eating 1 serving (64g) of chocolate Pucca. Thanks, Opus. There should be a good 10 servings in that giant tub. I can't even remember the last time I jogged in place. Does the treadmill count?

On the bright side, we managed to play some tennis today. Sadly, we suck. EVERYONE else on the courts were better than us. The best part was getting a cold shower after.

13 weeks is plenty time to train. I just have to manage the snacks, panic attacks and inclination to lounge around instead of bearing with that lungs-are-bursting-out-of-lungs, lactic-acid-burn-in-legs, panting and wishing you were lounging around at home, sticky, sweaty and grumpy feelings that tend to go with running. Not to mention the ignominy of having everyone at the beach cruising past you, especially those who are talking and laughing as they go. Urgh.

Since I've committed to the run, might as well target some weight loss at the same time.

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