Saturday, March 21, 2009

This Week

Managed to run 5 km last Sunday, since it was pouring outside. Fortunately at this gym I used there wasn't an automatic cut off after 30 minutes; no way I could've finished 5k in less than half an hour at current fitness level! Running outdoors is much better - I dislike the way the aircon stops your body from properly sweating it all out and yet at the same time, makes you feel chilly all over despite the workout.

Did another 3 or 4 km throughout this week, and I think I've been running too much! The skin on the balls of both feet are peeling horribly! From all that friction? Time to rest, methinks.

Been analysing the First Lady's arms - they're hard to miss, given that they are rarely covered up. Are deltoids really the new C-cup? Got Derek the gym guy to teach me some deltoid workouts with weights. So far, no difference. Must google for more exercises.

Need new socks! Asics? Love the free pair I got with the shoes - must look for shorter pairs with same cushioning!


Carrie said...

i love my asics and heartbreakingly, my new pair is giving me blisters on my heel. Love hurts.

i am digging those deltoids too. Share share on which exercises you find work.

opus2 said...

i want to do push-ups, i really do, but i've hurt my elbow. Sleep-related injury that i'm still recovering from. ha ha. (true.)

running stitch said...

Push ups are great, for overall upper body toning. I also tried this one that Derek suggested:

and also this one:

Try, and tell me what you think! I think my arms have firmed up a little!