Thursday, October 30, 2008

Week 12? 13?

Counting down now to next race! Sunday 7 December 2008!! 10 km!!

This week, quite productive. Played tennis on Tuesday morning, though only for half an hour. Tennis kaki had to dash off.

Today (Thurs) went to the gym in the morning. Tried to calibrate the Nike+ contraption and was quite flustered at first; receiver couldn't even detect the sensor! Was quite warmed up by the time I got it to work and then ran for 2k to calibrate, and another 2.9k after that. Another first for me - running 30 minutes without stopping on the treadmill. Oh, I am unstoppable now! Having said that, I seriously couldn't run any faster without feeling nauseous - how to run for 10k??


Need new earphones for iPod. Right bud keeps falling out, though left sits snugly without problem.

Then this evening, played tennis again. Doubles this time. Of course, I was the worst player. After the game, the ladies gathered and one turned to me and asked, where did I get my shoes? I love my white-brown (BROWN!) Adiprene with diamante. I may not play great, but at least I have nice shoes. I am secretly thrilled that I am the Posh Spice of the tennis group.


opus2 said...

you do have nice shoes. do you really want to be Posh Spice? She's a robot, you know.

running stitch said...

isn't it amazing that she looks the same in every photo? No, I still want to be Jennifer Garner when I grow up.

opus2 said...

how did Jennifer Garner come into the picture??