Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 2, Day 4

urgh, treadmill today, finished 2.4km at 16.12 mins. Feel better as I run, though still have to drag myself to do it. And, can't wait to hit the cool down button. 

keep thinking about eggs! not any old kind but the 3/4 boiled kind that comes with ramen. yum!

nice, rainy afternoon!


opus2 said...

i once practised making those eggs. I've found the perfect way to boil eggs, by the way.

Put egg in pot of water, boil uncovered.

Once the water comes to a rolling boil, turn off heat, and cover pot. Set timer.

about 7 minutes: the perfect ramen egg

10 minutes: the perfect hard boiled egg (plus run the egg under cold running water right after! I also tried the method where you put it in ice and water, but that doesnt work as well for me)

I'd one a lot of egg research, as you can see.

running stitch said...

oooh, thanks. And, we must have them tea eggs the next time we are at QSC. Did you see how much work to get the shell off?