Thursday, March 12, 2009

Did we really run 10K?

I ran yesterday. Or at least I tried. All I could think of was, what's for lunch?

Love the Asics but have one complaint - the laces don't stay tied! This has happened a couple of times mid-run, enough to become annoying.... bah. But at least I've since found out that it *is* possible to start off after pausing to retie laces.

Anyway, yesterday's do was half an hour on the treadmill then some weights. I wonder if I will ever be able to do push-ups the way boys do.

Lunch calls! Sio bak is slow roasting in oven.... Come to mama, fatty pork!


opus2 said...

Do 100 push ups!

You shouldn;t even bother to do "girl's" pushups. Just do boy push ups. Even 10 will make your arms ache. (they make MY arms ache!)

opus2 said...

oh, and i don't have that problem with the laces on my Nimbus... the only solution is to double tie the knot!